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  • #114799
    Post count: 44

    I want to try different sizes for the product thumbnails (in product carousel named Artwork Samples) on the Home Page. I went to Woocommerce- Settings under Products tab and changed the image size under Product Image Sizes – Product thumbnails. From 120 x 178 to 240 x 356 (making the size double in size).

    I saw no change on the Home Page after refreshing and flushing cache. So I installed and activated the Regenerate thumbnails plugin and Regenerated the thumbnails. (Did not navigate away and waited for it to be completed). Refreshed the Home page and flushed the cache refreshed again. Still no change.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    So you did not see a change in quality? The image size settings are only for quality, not the actual width and height of the image on the page

    – Kyle

    Post count: 44

    oh, ok, i wanted to change the size- width and height. Where can I do that then?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880
    Post count: 44

    Well, I had read this guide in the documentation but it refers to the quality right? Well that is what you told me just now.

    I had changed the Product thumbnails dimensions (thinking it would also affect the actual size (which is what I want)) like I stated earlier and it didnt work in resizing the actual image (width and height) on the Page.

    Then you told me it was only for quality, then I asked you where I could Resize (the actual height and width of) the thumbnails on the Home Page.

    Did you send me the wrong link/guide?

    Ive looked in the documentation and previously asked questions and found nothing that helps me.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I’m afraid you can’t change the actual size on the page as the theme uses bootstraps 12 column grid, and changing sizes would create a lot of layout problems

    – Kyle

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