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  • #39127
    Post count: 102

    Love the look of this theme and have pretty good experience using WordPress installations but this is more difficult than it really should be. Like many others before me I am having huge problems installing the demo files. I’ve read your documentation and the sticky post in this forum and still have problems. I am angry and exhausted.

    I have relatively few (but still many) problems importing the full file. However, many of the pictures and settings still seem to be missing. See my test site:

    1. All plugins installed
    2. WooCommerce images settings changed
    3. Rev slider homeslider + homeslider.txt done (using newest rev slider 4.1.4)
    4. /wp-content/plugins/revslider/rs-plugin/css doesn’t contain a file called “captions.css” so i have not replaced it. what should i actually do to get your style settings?
    5. settings – home static page “home”, posts – blog standard with no sidebars
    6. theme options imported

    As you can see there’s still lots wrong with the site. No shop, blog main blank, lots of images missing, key home slider not working, team missing.

    I think with all the problems I and others have experienced you should do us the favor of helping out. If you can’t give quick solutions to this issue, I am happy to give you my config file and you can just package me up a total wordpress/neighborhood file that I can install without wasting more time. I have no other content in my site yet so not worried about losing anything.


    Post count: 102

    Just noticed lots of failures to upload in the import process – having already completely uninstalled and reinstalled WP+database+theme 3 times today I am not keen to try again without you very specific solution.

    some examples:

    Failed to import Media “barena-blazer-blue003_1”
    Failed to import Media “barena-blazer-blue001_1”
    Failed to import Media “aspesi-jacket-blazer-grey005”

    Post count: 102

    and yet more difficulties. in an attempt to reimport and perhaps get some of those images, i first deleted all the menus to avoid duplicates but suddenly after uploading all day I get this error: Import WordPress
    Sorry, there has been an error.
    The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2013/12.

    It has nothing to do with permissions.

    Therefore my test site referenced above now also has no menus!

    Post count: 102

    FYI – I tried yet again today and though I still got a server error message I found that enough of the demo has now transferred so that I can get going. For the moment I don’t need your reply but it’s clear that your documentation needs some work re this topic. I suggest something like what’s in the sticky post: a numbered step by step process rather than lots of text with notes. it’s really unclear what you should do in a sequential order.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately the WordPress import process always seems to be very unstable.

    We are working on a new demo content file for the next update, which should hopefully reduce a lot of the issues.

    Happy new year. If you have any more questions then please let us know.

    – Ed

    Post count: 102

    Thanks for taking into account our issues.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


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