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  • #22904
    Post count: 21

    Let’s say I’ve added a product to my cart, and I am now checking out. I am now on the Billing & Shipping page, and I enter all necessary information *except* a ZIP Code. If I now click Proceed with purchase, I am taken to the Review & Payment page. Only after I have entered my credit card info and clicked the Place order button do I see an error message about the missing ZIP. Now I have to go back a page, enter the ZIP, and proceed. This seems non-intuitive, especially for less tech-savvy customers.

    Is there any way to prevent the customer from proceeding to the next step if a required field is empty?

    Post count: 56

    Yes actually even I was wondering the same.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi guys,

    I see what you’re saying, but I’m not sure if that’s something we control or WooCommerce, so I will forward this to the developer directly for some insights 🙂


    Post count: 43

    Check this

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Who and what for? Thanks for elaborating

    Post count: 43

    Well Melanie, because the topic I’m referring to, is about the same thing. And Ed wrote:

    “This is actually standard WooCommerce functionality, we don’t change how the form works. We will add this to the wishlist for possible improvement.”

    Post count: 21

    I disagree with Swift’s assertion that this is standard WooCommerce functionality. We have several WooCommerce sites, and only the one using the Neighborhood theme has this issue. I think because on a standard WC installation, the checkout info is all on a single page. The Neighborhood theme appears to override the standard WC templates.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Going to close this and keep everything in the following thread –

    We’re going to try and get this sorted for the next update.

    – Ed

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