New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Supreme Post Category bug with WP 3.8

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  • Posted in: Supreme
  • #42326
    Post count: 8

    I upgraded to WordPress 3.8 a few days ago.

    I am trying to create a new post, however the category I am trying to assign to it will not save. I will check the box, then update the post, but it does not save the category.

    To make this more complicated, I tried selecting a few different categories and it saved the category assignment on one but not all of the categories.

    Also, all old posts (pre 3.8 upgrade) retain their category assignments


    this is the site:

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, can you deactivate all your plugins and see if that solves it? If not, please let us know your wp-admin login details in a private reply so we can check it out.


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