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  • Posted in: Supreme
  • #876
    Post count: 18

    Hi There,

    I have few problems about portfolio & Rev.Slider.

    1. After I made portfolio into a new post, the portfolio doesn’t come out as a new post but it just came out on the widget recent articles (no2 article on private) . It also works well when I see on the preview. I’ve checked properly step by step but still couldn’t find solutions. Which part I have missed?

    2. When I made Rev.Slider and put into a new post, The new post works well on the headline slider also come out as a new post. but when you click on the new post, there is an error display on rev.slider (as attached). I thought I made typo in alias but when I check again, I’ve chosen the correct alias (which is Paris HC1). In fact there is no alias ‘Paris’ at all on my rev.slider.

    I realized the rev.slider has been update pretty often as you’ve info above. The problem is when I followed the links and download it, my understanding was I have to upload again into my WP right? well, download was fail and when I went to another link, there isn’t update new version instead to buy to the new one. Please advise..

    Thanks, Isna


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    1) The article will only show if it’s public.

    2) I can’t see this error in the attached?

    Delete the revolution slider plugin from WordPress, then you can install the new version. OR, you can use FTP to overwrite the folder in /wp-content/plugins.

    – Ed

    Post count: 18

    Hi Ed, thanks for your response.

    1. It was on public before but stil doesn’t work.

    2. I thought already attached. so sorry. please find below.

    Ok I will delete rev.slider immediately. if I install the new version, does it mean I have to pay for that? cause when I click the shortlink you have info, I download it but unable to plugin (install failed).

    I just removed rev.slider from my post now. Before that it was like as attached.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) In the right sidebar asset I can see it says private in the title? The rest of the posts work fine so it must be something you’ve changed visibility wise on this post.

    2) In the alias box, make sure you’ve typed the correct name, as they suggest in the error.

    No you don’t need to pay, you just need to remove the old version and upload the new version.

    – Ed

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