I have changed permalink for businesses to /thisformat/ and page 2 refused to work. Link /thisformat/page/2 returns Page 404. Why?
Even if you know why, I want to remove pagination anyway.
I have changed this code in taxonomy-portfolio-category.php:
<div class="portfolio-wrap">
<?php echo do_shortcode('[portfolio display_type="'.$portfolio_archive_display_type.'" columns="'.$portfolio_archive_columns.'" show_title="yes" show_subtitle="yes" show_excerpt="yes" excerpt_length="20" item_count="-1" category="'.$category_slug.'" exclude_categories="" portfolio_filter="no" pagination="yes" width="1/1" el_position="first last"]'); ?>
to this one:
<div class="pagination-wrap">
<?php echo pagenavi($wp_query); ?>
and it still doesn’t have effect on it.