Please open to edit themes/dante/includes/sf-options.php and remove code from line 2244 to 2278
$sections[] = array(
'icon' => 'th',
'icon_class' => 'fa-lg',
'title' => __('Portfolio Options', Redux_TEXT_DOMAIN),
'desc' => __('<p class="description">These are the options for the Portfolio pages/assets.</p>', Redux_TEXT_DOMAIN),
'fields' => array(
'id' => 'portfolio_page',
'type' => 'pages_select',
'title' => __('Portfolio Page', Redux_TEXT_DOMAIN),
'sub_desc' => __('Select the page that is your portfolio index page. This is used to link to the page from the portfolio detail page.', Redux_TEXT_DOMAIN),
'desc' => '',
'std' => '',
'args' => array()
'id' => 'enable_portfolio_gallery',
'type' => 'button_set',
'title' => __('Enable Portfolio Gallery Navigation', Redux_TEXT_DOMAIN),
'sub_desc' => __('Enable this if you use multiple thumbnail link to lightbox options on your portfolio thumbnails, and would like to browse between the items with left/right navigation.', Redux_TEXT_DOMAIN),
'desc' => '',
'options' => array('1' => 'On','0' => 'Off'),
'std' => '0'
'id' => 'enable_portfolio_stickydetails',
'type' => 'button_set',
'title' => __('Enable Sticky Item Details', Redux_TEXT_DOMAIN),
'sub_desc' => __('Enable the item details to be sticky on desktop when the sidebar is small enough to display completely while scrolling. Only enabled on Full Width Media / Standard portfolio display types.', Redux_TEXT_DOMAIN),
'desc' => '',
'options' => array('1' => 'On','0' => 'Off'),
'std' => '0'
Please take a backup of file before making any changes
With Best Regards
Swiftideas Themes