New Landing › How can we help? › Cardinal › Portfolio missing and strange white block
Have you selected ‘none’ for your detail media?
– Kyle
Yes I have done that.
It seems that the setting of the 2 portfolio items are different. Can you provide us admin access set the reply as private? So we can check your settings.
– Rui
We need admin access
I see you’ve added the detail media to the first item now?
Not intentionally. I do not want the large inmage to display.
Please update to version 1.52, we fixed the unwanted space issue
Great, I have updated. I am unsure how I remove the main image at the top of this page
As I have nothing selected in detail media.
Looks like another bug, will inform the developer when he comes online
Looks like you managed to fix this?
No the image the stretches the full width is still there.
Sorry to ask this, but can you take a screenshot of that page including that image and the url of that page? Thanks
The image is most defintely not still there (see screenshot)
Try clear your cache
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