New Landing How can we help? Atelier Portfolio & Lightbox Questions

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #175481
    Post count: 3

    1. How do I get rid of the “Love it” icons below the images in the standard porfolio?

    2. When I click on one of the portfolio images there are 3 copies of each image displayed. How do I fix that?

    3. How do I add icons and/or text to the hover over on the portfolio?

    4. Is the workaround that I’ve done with the captions below the photos (adding inline styles to the porfolio image titles) the best way to for them to have this preferred appearance? I would ideally like to center them as well.

    Thank you!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding your questions

    1) add the code below to your custom css option

    .comments-likes .love-it-wrapper {
      display: none;

    2) and 3) Will need admin credentials in a private reply.

    4) Where did you add that? You shouldn’t use br it could break the css.


    Post count: 3
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    2) check this screenshot, you should only leave 1 image

    3) It was necessary to edit the portfolio asset to change the Portfolio type from standard to Gallery.
    You shouldn’t do that to your Portfolio item titles, because that will appear in the mouseover.

    The second line of the mouse over displays what is inside Portfolio meta -> Custom excerpt.

    4) For several reasons you shouldn’t use the Portfolio title to do that, it’s not meant to be used like that.

    It should be used instead some custom field in each Portfolio item, and would be necessary code changes to get that value and display it where you want it. Unfortunately that’s outside of our support scope.


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