I’m having problems saving categories to portfolio-items. I’m able to create a category and check it, but it won’t save. As soon as I save a portfolio-item the category-checkmark will disapear.
I tried this with Joyn and Cardinal, getting the same result. When I try a different theme (Bridge) it works fine.
However, categories will save correctly to Post-items in Joyn and Dante.
I tried to repair and reset the database but that didn’t help. Finally, I did a complete reinstall with a clean database and a clean WordPress install, but this also didn’t work out.
I imported some democontent* to review. These portfolio-items had categories saved to them, but I was unable to save other categories to these items. Also unchecking existing categories wasn’t possible.
I also uninstalled all plugins, and installed every plugin Joyn recommends, but that also didn’t help.
However, when I use Joyn in MAMP there’s no problem at all. So I really don’t have a clue what’s going on here.
Hope you can help me out.
(*The democontent didn’t import completely, due to an internal server error.)