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  • #92260
    Post count: 35


    I am struggling to over ride the button text on the checkout page. I need to change this from ‘Place order’ to ‘Submit Enquiry’.

    I have amended other buttons by using child theme and over riding text for those buttons. But for some reason the Place Order button is not playing ball.

    Can you advise me on how I can override this? Maybe with a function or by amending the form-pay.php file.

    Many Thanks

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    please try this code bellow. Add it to the functions.php of your child theme.

    	add_filter(  'woocommerce_order_button_text','custom_change_place_order_text');
    	function custom_change_place_order_text(){
    		return __( 'Submit Enquiry', 'woocommerce' );	

    – Rui

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