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  • #106848
    Post count: 28

    Hi team,

    I was wondering if there is a chance or a way to put up a banner/picture/gif animation in between the logo and main navigation menu? and how?

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    You need to edit the theme files for this, if you want it go to wp-content\themes\neighborhood\includes\swift-framework\sf-content-display\sf-header.php and start from #336 you will see a bulk of codes navigate to the code according to the header you choose, stop at the header type, for example if you choose header 1

    if ($header_layout == "header-1") {

    then stop here, and see the </header> end tag, and after that start a div like this to put you images.

    $header_output .= '</header>'. "\n";
    $header_output .= '<div> <img src=''></div>';

    PS: Caution with the code edits, back up the file before start editing, if anything goes wrong, revert it back.

    Let us know,


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