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  • #150040
    Post count: 33

    After updating to 2.11 this extension stopped working, I have spoken with the developers who tested it with the storefront theme on my site and with that theme everything worked fine.

    If this is not fixed ASAP i need to change theme which I dont want. But I have no other choice since I am loosing a lot of money over this issue!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @wanderoo

    What about it isn’t working? Please can you confirm?

    – Ed

    Post count: 33

    The extension is divided into two part, one for card payment and one for invoice.

    If I active both parts then none of the payment option I use, PayPal, banktransfer and Payson works. If I click on the radio nothing happens.

    But if I deactive the invoice part then I can use the remaining payment options but it takes a long time.

    Also the descripton below the payment option telling the cumstomer what the payment option does and what fees are involved are missing.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264
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