New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante PARALLAX IN STELLAR MODE IS NOT SCROLLING THE BACKGROUND IMAGE

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #79064
    Post count: 9

    (please note that in your support forum, “flashden422” also asked this question a month ago (post id #68462), but no solution has been provided yet)

    I set up access for you to log in and verify my settings and customizations.
    Login URL:
    Role: Editor
    Username: swiftsupport4dante
    Password: N9bcMlmmj0gw

    In the “Edit Parallax” modal, changing the “Parallax Image Movement” setting to option=Stellar (dynamic) is not working. In other words, when I turn this setting on, the background image is not scrolling at 0.5 half speed (or any other speed different than the foreground). Please tell me how to fix this!
    You can verify that it’s enabled by logging into my admin and editing the page titled “A One Page Test”
    You can verify that it’s not working on the frontend at the following URL:

    1. Why is the background image not scrolling?
    Answer (pls explain what you did to fix it, or tell me how to fix it myself):

    2. My question is in regards to this page:
    This example page is not included as one of your 27 pre-built pages in the wordpress environment. Can you please tell me how I can add this demo page into my wordpress so that I can clone it and use it as the foundation for my one-page template?

    Post count: 9

    the changelog says that this was fixed in version 2.54 … but I am running v2.56 and still experiencing this issue of parallax background not scrolling.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @parmoni – this will be due to the issue in the previous topic – that is causing all the theme JS to fail.

    – Ed

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