Is there a way to combine the right sidebar underneath a parallax that is on the top of the page? The issue when I try to do that is that the sidebar element overlaps the parallax which, as a result, doesn’t extend to the edge of window.
Thank you
If the parallax is added in the page content area then no, this is not possible. However if you use a fancy heading then the sidebar will be displayed below 🙂
Thanks Kyle for your reply.
I added a heading background image that gets cropped. How can I control the height of the fancy header so that doesn’t happen? Is it possible to have it open at 75% the height of the browser window?
Thanks again for your help.
I added that to the custom css but it didn’t change anything.
I was hoping the solution would be percentage based not pixel based so that the maximum image heading height is 75% of the browser window that it’s open in.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
After making the fancy heading background taller, the background and page title disappear quickly before they get near the top of page. What controls the opacity so it doesn’t change to 0 that quickly? Please advise.
Thank you