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  • #40505
    Post count: 31


    I have the featured items toggle set for about 170 products but there seems to only be an option to show them all on one page. How can I paginate them like a normal shop page without going through and creating categories or tags for “featured”?

    – Michael

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, how did you set that page up?
    Is this a category page? Or is it the products shortcode?

    Can you let us know your wp-admin login details?

    Post count: 31

    Hi Melanie,

    It was built with the page builder using the Shop Products element as it was the only way I could find to make featured items into a shop page.

    Post count: 31

    I could securely email you login details. Where can I send them?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Add them in a private reply please 🙂

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