New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Pages need to load full content first?

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #112731
    Post count: 7

    Hello, I am building a photography website.
    I want to show portfolio items which contain up to 20 consecutive, 1600px-wide pictures.
    I’m aware that such a number of images takes a while to load, and Cardinal shows the “loading” animation until the content is fully loaded.
    I’d like the website to show the first pictures as soon as they are physically loaded, and then I’d like next images to load as I scroll down the page.
    Can you help me?

    Post count: 7

    A quick update.

    It is partially a workaround since is not a true “fix”, but I will stick to this solution and explain it here for those who are interested.

    I disabled “page transitions” under theme options -> general options.
    This removes the issue of loading animation until full loading, and overall enhances A LOT the perceived website speed. If anyone is using Cardinal with image-heavy websites, I suggest to disable page transitions too, even though they look good.

    The “I’d like next images to load as I scroll down the page” is solved thanks to “lazy load” WP plugins, but I’m not sure if I will implement it.

    Hope someone will find these informations useful.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok thanks for sharing

    – Kyle

    Post count: 181

    damn! this is it! And I was wondering whether it was my imagination that once upon a time page loading was faster. I just disabled transitions and perceived speed is a lot better since “lighter” content appears almost instantly and it is only pictures (media in general) that load after. It seems that the preloader bar waits till all elements are finished loading before it allows display of the content.

    Now although the user gets content fast some “decorative” elements appear afterwards somehow “spoiling” the design completeness surprise.

    I do not know how easy it is to implement but having to option to still display the “bar waves” as an overlay so that the user knows the page is still loading might be a good option. Especially for users on slow connections or on mobile. Just a thought.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Thanks for the input. Will add it to list.

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