New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Page template with The Event Calender

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #267228
    Post count: 49

    Hi There!

    First, i want to say, i LOVE your theme.

    I’m using the Event Calender plugin on my WP site. This Event Calender makes a own page, and i can choose from the (6) page templates (Blank, header, no header, footer etc). Is there a place where i can change this templates?

    I want to put a Swift Slider at the top of the page, and i want to put some icon boxes in the bottom.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Yes the plugin is highly customisable, though you will need to contact the Event Calendar support.

    They do have docs on how to theme their plugin:


    Post count: 49

    Thanks, but im not that hero with HTML.

    Can’t i change the page? My other pages have a slider at the top and some usp’s at the bottom, i want that at the event page as well. Is that possible?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Yes, this can be done but you need to Pro version of the plugin.

    Create a normal page for the calendar, then add this shortcode: [tribe_mini_calendar] to the page. You can then set the Meta Options.



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