New Landing How can we help? Atelier Page style change for no reason?

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #300911
    Post count: 50

    Hi Atelier team!
    I’ve got a weird one here. I have included my login details so that you all can take a look because I imagine it’s not really clear as to why this is happening…

    When I launched my site last Thursday, my blog page had one specific style for the background. And it’s actually how it is still set up today (4 Masonry columns + a background color of #f2f9f9 to blend in with the header.) This made it so that the 3 posts that are currently there were actually a bit bigger and centered.
    It should look kind of like this page but with the background color the same as the header but it has now changed:

    I went out of town after that and did not even go onto my website until last night, when I realized the page had totally changed since the launch. The background is white (even though it is set to #f2f9f9) and the image/article feature icons are smaller, and kind of off to the left (because there was originally a sidebar that I was able to remvoe via “theme options”). Even though I removed the side bar, the images did not change positions or sizes and the background did not change colors, even though it is set to (see attached). Also you’ll see that for some reason on Page title, style, packground, meta.. that there is this strange white space that there never was before.

    Once again, it was perfect when I launched – the page style was totally different and there was no white space, so it looks like this has changed “on it’s own”. Was there some update that I am not aware of? Any ideas about getting this back to normal?
    Thank you!
    The URL of the page :

    Amy Jones

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    Post count: 50
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Amy,

    Can you disable the child theme and add your FTP details.

    I understand that inner page background is not working, however I am not sure I understand the layout change. It should be centered?


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