New Landing How can we help? General Feedback & Suggestions Page off because of infection virus ??

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  • #4900
    Post count: 25


    Thank you for checking the problem : I click on “ignore” but please, let us know what’s going on :


    This website is seen by google// firefox security as page risking infection / virus :

    What appears when I try to see demo website
    Quel est l’état actuel du site ?

    Ce site est répertorié comme suspect. Une visite sur celui-ci peut endommager votre ordinateur.

    Une activité suspecte sur une partie de ce site a été détectée 5 fois au cours des 90 derniers jours.

    Que s’est-il passé lors de la visite de ce site par le robot Google ?

    Sur les 102 pages du site que nous avons testées au cours des 90 derniers jours, un certain nombre (25) entraînait le téléchargement et l’installation de logiciels malveillants sans l’autorisation de l’utilisateur. La dernière visite effectuée par le robot Google sur ce site a eu lieu le 2013-05-15, et le dernier contenu suspect sur celui-ci a été détecté le 2013-05-15.Des logiciels malveillants sont hébergés sur 1 domaine(s), y compris

    Ce site était hébergé sur 1 réseau(x), y compris AS198047 (UKWEB).

    Ce site a-t-il servi d’intermédiaire pour favoriser la propagation de logiciels malveillants ?

    Au cours des 90 derniers jours, semble avoir servi d’intermédiaire pour l’infection de 8 site(s), y compris,,

    Ce site a-t-il hébergé des logiciels malveillants ?

    Oui, ce site a hébergé des logiciels malveillants au cours des 90 derniers jours. Il a infecté 4 domaine(s), y compris,,

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Our server was recently compromised, and as such we are moving our themes to a new, more secure server.

    Can you let me know how you got to that link, as it’s not the proper site anymore.

    – Ed

    Post count: 25

    This is the only link I have to see your demo content : I bought the flexform theme. Can you give me the new url to see your demo themes ?

    Thank you,

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264
    Post count: 21

    I tried to go on to my client’s site earlier, but received a Chrome Malware warning screen. It referecned a site as the source of the malware. I can’t proceed, as I don’t want to risk infecting my local computer. Can you elaborate on what’s going on please? Is there a fix? Or do I need to remove my WP/Flexform build on GoDaddy, and start all over? Please advise as soon as you can.

    Below is some info from the client’s Flexform purchase.
    Item ID: 4258755
    Item Purchase Code:
    Purchase Date: 2013-05-02 14:08:04 UTC

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @outernet

    Please reset your theme options in the Theme Options panel. Then import the following URL –

    – Ed

    Post count: 25

    Hi Ed,
    Excuse my english, but I don’t understand what is “reset” a theme ? Are all the buyers and websites impacted or not ? What have we got to do ? I can’t imagine my client finding his website with this “alert information”…
    Thank you for your quick answer,

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    You should be fine now, you won’t get this issue again.

    – Ed

    Post count: 25

    I have one more update (1.4.1) today : it gives 3 updates in 3 weeks : it appears a little too much or much more than other websites : is it due to this problem or not ? Will it go on with this rythm or not ? I imagine it’s important to update each time you launch a new evolution but it seems to me that the frequency is really big.
    Thank you for your answer,

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    We’ve added numerous new features in the 2 updates previous. The last update was a result of fixing a few issues that occurred with implementing support for the new WP 3.6 post formats.

    Not sure why updates would be seen as a bad thing? It shows good support.

    – Ed

    Post count: 25

    Yes of course, excuse me but updating each time gives me fear that something ok before maybe will change after, and this changes some settings as footer, etc no ? What part of the website, visible by the visitor, is changed each time in fact : the footer and what else ? So that I prepare it,

    Thank you

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Nothing should change colour wise, or mess with your theme options, but check the theme version notes just incase.

    – Ed

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