New Landing How can we help? Atelier Page Builder Not Staying Enabled

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #295379
    Post count: 57

    Hi Guys, after updating swift framework and theme, the page builder is no longer staying enabled after updating a page, post or product. This means that the content that I have in the product description meta box is no longer showing in the description tab.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Will need an url to a page where this is happening, and will also need some admin credentials in a private reply.


    Post count: 20

    Same here.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    @prodgoriche – Please start a new thread and privately post your WP login details.

    Post count: 57

    Hey guys, my site is in maintenance at the moment but it appears that after these latest updates, the page builder is no longer enabled by default. This means that I have to go through every page and products (400) and enable the page builder. There must be a way or update to make the page builder enabled as they were before. I need it enabled to show the description tab.

    Also there is another issue regarding the vertical aligning. If the column has a background colour it doesn’t seem to be spanning the whole height. Please see screenshot. Thanks.

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Are you already using SwiftFramework 2.5.17?
    And what is your current theme version.


    Post count: 57

    Hi Rui, everything is up to date, theme and all plugins. Does this not happen on your development site?

    Post count: 57

    Just to be clear, the page builder is staying enabled, it’s just the fact that after all these latest updates, the page builder is not enabled by default so I have to go in to every product and enable it and update. It is then staying enabled after that. This will take me a very long time to do this so there must be a way of enabling the page builder as default?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    This is what I have

    But the fact that the page builder doesn’t load by default when you edit the product shouldn’t change anything regarding the content that is suppose to appear in the front end on the product description.

    We will need to have access to your site somehow without that it’s just a blind guess.


    Post count: 57

    The page builder needs to be enabled for the description tab to show. We are an online food shop and we have the ingredients of the products within the description tab so it’s pretty important that it is enabled. It’s quite annoying if it cant be fixed as I have to go through all of the products and enable the page builder. This will take ages. Do you understand what I mean? Switch the page builder off and the description tab will not show.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    @markfordham – yes I understand this now, let me check this with the lead developer.

    – David.

    Post count: 57

    Hi David, any update on this? Thanks

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Somehow the topic isn’t assigned to Ed. I just assigned it now.

    Apologize for that.


    Post count: 57

    Hi Guys, this has probably been forgotten about but is it possible to have a look at this. Basically is there a way to turn back on the page builder for products instead of me going in to each product one at a time to enable the page builder. They were all enabled before the recent updates. Thanks.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Please install and activate the supplied child theme, inside the child theme create a folder structure /woocommerce/.

    Inside /woocommerce/ create a file called content-single-product.php.

    Inside the file content-single-product.php paste this code:

    Locate $pb_active = false; and replace that with $pb_active = true;.

    This will eliminate the need for you to go through each product and enable the PB.

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