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It seems that the padding settings inside my parallax elements are not working. Especially on smaller screens it looks weird that my text is nearly as wide as the screen size.
Live URL:
it looks like this is being overwritten from your custom CSS:
Within Theme Options => Custom CSS, find and remove this:
.spb_parallax_asset .spb_content_wrapper { padding: 0px !important; }
Hi David,
I deleted the code, but as you can see now, my text elements in parallax are not centered anymore on every screen size.
Check my homepage:
The code is not deleted I still see it. Please add a screenshot of what you see also.
Here are all css code I use now and please find a screenshot attched:
The CSS is still present on your site, see screenshot.
Are you using a caching plugin? Please flush the cache.
Now I used the following css code to solve the problem:
.spb_parallax_asset .spb_content_wrapper{ padding-right:20px !important; padding-left:20px !important; }
Glad you got it sorted! Thanks.
Hi David, but do you know why my buttons and favicons are not centered properly? (see screenshots)
Add this:
.sf-icon.icon-large { padding: 0; }
To your buttons, add the extra class mr0
– Kyle
Hi Kyle,
thanks for the code.
Do I have to define the mr0 also in css?
No mr0 means margin right 0, already set in the theme
Hmm, but somehow the buttons are not centered!
You haven’t added mr0 to the button extra class
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