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  • #107162
    Post count: 7


    We put through one order yesterday and everything worked fine with payment processing from PayPal but the order is not reflected in my theme dashboard and the stock quantities are not updated. I am using variable products and have updates to stock amounts enabled. Not sure why its not being tracked in the theme?



    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    All your orders are cancelled. Also you have a setting in Woocommerce that if the payment isn’t done in 30 minutes the stock is released.

    You should try to make test in Paypal Sandbox mode or using other gateway like cash on delivery.


    Post count: 7

    I don’t understand how all orders are cancelled? Is that a setting that can be fixed? I never remember canceling order. I know the payment process works cause we put through an order and paid and the $$ is in our PayPal account. But the theme does not show the order having taken place at all and the stock is not updated. And I have no idea what item was purchased. I’ve worked with PayPal already and they said I don’t need a Sandbox because payments are working fine.

    Please advise how to change the theme so it doesn’t cancel orders that come in. And so orders are reflected in the theme dashboard and stock quantities updated.

    And why would the 30 minute stock release have to do with the theme not reflecting the order?

    Post count: 7

    I see the cancelled orders that you see but those we did on purpose testing the site while we were updating things with PayPal. The last order, however, we did process through as a complete order that was paid for and the funds were transferred to the PayPal account. But that complete order is showing as a cancelled order as well and it should not be. Order#240 should be showing as an open order that has been paid for.

    Post count: 7

    Sorry for all the comments…trying to understand this.

    OK, I cleared the hold stock field and changed the good order to completed status. Do you think all new orders coming in will work ok now that there’s no hold?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @suni99

    These questions would be better put to the WooCommerce team – as they developed the plugin and know it’s functionality throughout:

    – Ed

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