New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Ability Options Reset = MAJOR problem

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  • Posted in: Ability
  • #27861
    Post count: 3

    I was trying to update my social profiles in Theme Options and clicked Save All Changes. When it refreshed, it said “Options Reset” (even though I hadn’t clicked that) and now all of the changes I made to the look and feel of the theme (which took hours) have been reset. How can I fix this and restore the previous selections?

    Post count: 2

    I had the same problem. The wordpress was updated to 3.6.1 but the theme was still at version 1.7…

    Is there any fixes for this? I am going to try to do an update of the theme for which i have never done before and I am wondering if i need to rollback to the 3.5 wordpress as it lists that is compatible with up to 3.5 on the product page for the Ability theme…

    Version 1.9

    WordPress 3.5 Compatibility.

    Version 1.8

    Added theme updater.
    Added option to portfolio item where you can select to only show the featured image in the main detail.
    Added fitvids to the portfolio detail.
    Fixed lightbox galleries in the portfolio detail.
    Added text to show current page on mobile menu.
    Fixed portfolio detail height issue where it would be cut off.
    Fixed non-dynamic homepage padding issue.

    Version 1.7

    Minor bug fixes.

    Version 1.6

    Fixed a bug with the mobile nav
    Removed lightbox functionality for mobile/tablet devices
    Fixed WordPress v3.4 admin bug

    Version 1.5

    Fixed tagline font issue
    Fixed an issue where lightbox wouldn’t reload on an AJAX’d page
    Minor bug fixes

    Version 1.4

    Added support for dropdown menus
    Fixed Google Web Fonts issue

    Version 1.3

    Fixed non-dynamic header nav highlighting
    Added Pinterest social icon
    Fixed portfolio display margin issue
    Fixed a horizontal scrolling issue on iPad Portrait view
    Minor bug fixes

    Version 1.2

    Added the option to disable the dynamic header
    Minor bug fixes

    Version 1.1

    Included Design & Logo PSD
    Minor bug fixes

    Post count: 2

    Have you found any fixes to this? Or come to any solution?

    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Make sure you update the style.css file also, from there only WordPress take the Version number, so even after update (including the style.css) it looks 1.7 means go and edit the style.css file, and change the version to 1.9.

    That looks weird, I will forward this to the dev team 🙂

    Thanks for your patience.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi guys,

    Can you let me know what version of Ability you are using so that I can look into this?

    – Ed

    Post count: 3

    I’m using version 1.7

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Please update to v1.9, as this will fix the issue.

    – Ed

    Post count: 3

    How do I do that? Is the update through the WordPress interface or do I need to download something from ThemeForest?

    Also, how do I undo the changes made by the Options Reset?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    You’ll want to download the latest version from ThemeForest. As for undoing the changes, you’ll need to ask your host if they have a database backup.

    – Ed

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