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  • #131220
    Post count: 10

    Can you please advise the optimal product image size for this theme.

    I am completely confused.

    The WooCommerce >> Settings >> Products page (and your instruction manual) has the “hard crop” settings as follows:

    Catalog Image: 540 x 720
    Single Product Image: 540 x 720
    Product Thumbnails: 120 x 178

    However when I look at an actual product image (for example, this one:, and “inspect the element”, it says that the image has been cropped to 562 x 661 and that it’s “natural” size is 510 x 600.

    So….I’m confused.

    What size image should I be using for products in order to get the absolute most out of this template?

    Thank you for your help!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Ok, the container for the single product images is 562px wide, therefore around that size is what’s required for the settings. We used 540px just to reduce file size, and also the numbers are easier (540×720) rather than (562 x whatever).

    The reason it says the original is 510px wide is because that’s the size of your image. If you uploaded a bigger image it would of been resized to 540×720 but because it was smaller the theme couldn’t resize it

    – Kyle

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