New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Optimal Image Widths

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #103383
    Post count: 71


    I’m wanting to optimise the images for my site.

    I’m not sure how to optimally size images for the row or text block full width elements?
    I realise that this will be a function of the element height.
    Is there a rule of thumb, or a way to work out what the approximate px width should be those two elements so that I can avoid using overtly large images?

    Using a 1170 layout I figure the following would be the optimal width for images inserted using the page builder element (ie not row or text bloxk full width)
    1/1 = 1170px
    1/2 = 585px
    1/3 = 390px
    2/3 = 780px
    1/4 = 293px
    3/4 = 877px

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880
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