New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood One page style with main menu anchors (custom links)

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  • #15203
    Post count: 69


    Great theme so many options ! But i’m a bit disapointed i was going to make some nav items to a onepage style with anchors in the main menu like here for test but the links jump direct to the anchors without scrolling, i test on other themes i’m used to work with, or existing websites (like the anchors from the main menu are scrolling to the anchor in page.

    Do you have an idea, advice or solution to get back the scrolling to anchors in same page ?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hey there,

    one page themes that are made specifically for anchor purposes will have a javascript included that enables the scrolling. But since different themes are aimed at different targets and niches, not every theme will have the same features.

    You can try finding a plugin that will enable smooth scrolling tho.


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