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  • #12735
    Post count: 61

    Hello Swift Ideas,

    I appreciate a support forum every time I get to one. Thanks for having a place for us to write with questions!

    This submission is not so much a question or request for help but more of a “something to report” post.

    It seems that the menu item “Forums” in the menu sends a visitor to the This isn’t necessarily a problem except I was prompted to enter my Envato Purchase Code even though I was already logged in and had already done so. The true issue may be that no matter how many times I entered the code, it did not take and I couldn’t seem to get back to the forums. Eventually, of course, clicking on the logo got me back to the “Forums”.

    Anyhow, I hope this is more helpful than anything, and I appreciate the forum again.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Caleb,

    Thanks for letting us know, I’ve sorted this!

    – Ed

    Post count: 61

    You’re welcome, Ed – good work on here! (and with the theme! 🙂

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