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  • #126654
    Post count: 313

    There is something odd happening with maybe padding or margins (?). I am wondering if it relates to WooCommerce because it seems to happen only when you are on either product pages or account pages.

    1. On a specific product page, the star icon for add to wish list is slightly lower than everything else.

    2. When you are on these pages, then you look at the menu drop downs, there is space in front of each one of them that should not be there.

    I’m attaching screenshots of the menu from the “good” pages, and from the “bad” pages. I’m also attaching a screenshot of the wish list icon.

    Is there a fix for this? Thank you very much!

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    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    It maybe due to some plugins I think, it add extra styles..

    Try to add this in the style.css

    nav .menu ul.sub-menu { padding: 0; }
    .woocommerce form.cart .yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist { margin-top: 0; }

    and clear the cache, and rebuild the css if you use any minify plugins.

    Let us know,


    Post count: 313

    Yes, that did the trick. Thank you!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Thanks Laranz

    – Kyle

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