The latest build that Ed sent out has many issues.
All Cardinal h2 headings with the class “spb-heading” shrink down to a tiny 8px and the line height changes to 120% when responsive/mobile mode is enabled.
At first I thought it was some mistake I made in my own custom css, but for testing I completely removed all my own CSS rules and the issues remains. Example screenshot and link in next post.
#2. Posted this in another thread on here – http://support.swiftideas.net/forums/topic/tabs-galleries-asset-ilightbox-not-working/
Last private post I made.
#3. Mobile menu – top level menu items is not clickable. e.g I have an E-Commerce menu with lots of child menu items. Click on the E-Commerce top level menu item and nothing happens.
I really wish more testing was done before builds were sent out. Issues #2 and #3 were previous issues that were resolved in previous versions but have now reappeared in the latest build. I am lucky enough in that I am just developing with Cardinal at present; but when I am start using Cardinal on live sites, I am going to be fearing the impact it will have every time I update.
Login details and screenshot is next post.