New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Not using Evato toolkit

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #37857
    Post count: 51

    Hey Ed,
    When I was using 1.15 of the theme, I started having REAL performance problems. I finally tracked the problem down to the Envato Toolkit and had to disable it.

    I just upgraded to 1.2 and am getting the attached error. Anyways to keep going I commented out the contents of the sf_envato_toolkit_admin_init() function. I really don’t want or need the automatic upgrade functionality as I need to test before going into production.

    I think there needs to be a check for those of us that don’t wish to use the toolkit.

    Any suggestions?



    Post count: 12

    You need to follow these instructions:

    To obtain your API Key, visit your “My Settings” page on any of the Envato Marketplaces. Once a valid connection has been made any changes to the API key below for this username will not effect the results for 5 minutes because they’re cached in the database. If you have already made an API connection and just purchase a theme and it’s not showing up, wait five minutes and refresh the page. If the theme is still not showing up, it’s possible the author has not made it available for auto install yet.

    Post count: 51

    Thanks for the info @cvac01,

    The toolkit was setup with the API key before but I started to have performance issues so deleted the plugin (Not sure why and did not try to diagnose).

    My problem is I don’t have the toolkit installed and the new code does not deal with this gracefully as it is assuming that everyone will install the plugin. I am sure there are others that do not want to install the toolkit for a variety of reasons.

    I prefer to only install plugins I need in order to reduce my security vulnerability surface area.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    I’ve got this on the list for v1.3, to see if we can make it optional.

    Seems very odd that you would be having performance issues from this plugin!


    – Ed

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