New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Not scrolling on Chrome Mobile (Android & iPhone6)

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #144271
    Post count: 16


    I’m going mad with this not scrolling issue. I have this problem in all website except for homepage.

    I’ve seen some ‘touch-action: none’ answers but I couldn’t fix it for my website.

    Please help!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Some plugin could be causing conflicts. Can you disable all plugins, clear the cache and check if it still exist this issue.

    If the issue is gone enable the plugins one by one until finding the problematic one.

    Just notice that your theme version is not the latest one, please update in the Appearance-> Themes and click on Cardinal details.


    Post count: 16

    Hi Rui,

    It has nothing to do with my plugins. Please check your own website (Cardinal Demo) on the latest Chrome version for Android (40.0.2214.89).

    The scrolling is totally blocked!!

    Try with this url…


    I think the issue is related to hammer.js and the “touch-action” css property. But if want, start checking your plugins…

    Now that is a global cardinal issue, please try to find a solution.


    Post count: 16

    Hi Rui,

    I’ve been testing the issue in further depth. I’ve come across a solution. In my case I could fix the issue with the following css:

    @media screen and (max-width: 1024px;){
    html, body{
    z-index: 0 !important;
    overflow: scroll !important;

    I’ve tested it in some browsers and all seems correct. And it fixes it for Chrome Android 40.0…

    I hope it helps for a global Cardinal Fix. If so, as I’m a devoted Cardinal (I’ve bought the theme several times) and its not the first fix I help solving, you think I can get some cardinal for free or a discount in the Developer License? 🙂


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Great Glad you sorted it.
    Thanks for all your input.

    Regarding the license will have to forward to Ed so he can reply you about that.


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