New Landing How can we help? Atelier no way for end users to change woocommerce canned messages

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #208830
    Post count: 179

    i know you guys will say this a woocommerce thing, but to me it is a UI issue.
    to my knowledge, the only way to change the user unfriendly woocommerce messages (such as when a product is out of stock etc)
    is to dip into gnarly php and all of its headaches.
    is there a plugin that does this that you can suggest, or is swift contemplating adding this to their interface (ie themes)?
    i could probably change the messages directly in mysql but this is not a good approach.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please use this woocommerce cart notices plugin Hope it should help to you.

    Post count: 179

    Thank you Mohammad for your quick response.
    A quick look at this plugin revealed the same shortcode / user unfriendly approach that WooCommerce always seems to favor.
    I will check it out and report back on any problems.

    On a philosophical / design note, it is becoming a bit tiresome to keep discovering that basic, rudimentary functionality (such as the ability to customize messages) becomes in the WooCommerce world Yet Another Plugin or PHP cusotmization (I can probably do most of these with CSS/JS/MySQL, but I am an IT guy: store owners are typically not).

    Plugins are annoying to end users, and by constantly using them in lieu of a full featured complete product WooCommerce is shifting the burden of product maintenance complexity to store owners who constantly have to check if, say, updates will destroy their business overnight.

    Perhaps Automatic will consider repackaging WooCommerce as a complete solution, with out-of-the-box full featured functionality, and a front end designed to be used by non-programmers, all under 1 fully-tested and approved plug in umbrella, instead of this annoying diversity of plug ins (the more useful of which of course cost money) that some unfortunate end user store owner has to constantly worry about (to wit, the Revolution Slider hack debacle).

    I deal with retailers all the time. Retailers dont know plugins from shinola, to use a colloquial Americanism, and simply have no patience for dealing with short code hell. And Woocommerce/Atelier no longer becomes this cheap solution if store owners have to keep running (at who knows what hourly rate) to MN to actually have something that works 80-90 per cent of the way they want it to. My guess is that they would be willing to pay a higher price for WooCommerce — which ideally should include a completely managed hosted solution: try getting the average SMB retailers to deal via chat with bandwidth / performance / spam / SLL issues with, say, those very helpful and nice Bulgarians… not a happening thing in my experience.

    I for one dont know why it has taken WooCommerce 5+ years to get to this stage, after forking off the initial work of some English dudes who fell by the wayside due to who knows what reasons. I could probably hire 2 talented developers and design a solution for them to bang out an equivalent product in 3 months — one that is probably not as immature and functionally anemic as the WooCommerce solution, but then again, Woocommerce does have to deal with the PHP back end in which everything is semantically a type of post.

    It is time for a product that is actually provides a complete turnkey solution to SMB retailers to hit the market. SMB retailers deal with razor thin margins, and simply do not have have the time available that it takes to use WooCommerce, IMHO, if they expect to be able to run the business AND populate their catalogs etc — WooCommerce needs to be more powerful and much simpler going forward to achieve any success or market penetration beyond wonky verticals.

    Maybe WooCommere / Automatic should consider this in the future.

    Post count: 179

    $50 to modify a few messages?!!! Thank you for alerting me to the existence of this plugin, but the business of WooCommerce increasingly seems to be to ship something so bare bones as to be of limited use, and nickel and dime the end user to death for the functionality needed for ecommerce. Looking at the various plug ins a retailer would need, I can easily see getting to 300 – 500 dollars, which begs the question why not go to Shopify, and let them worry about the hosting. Do not get me wrong, I think Atelier is great — although I would definitely use the Revolution Slider, were it not for the security issues.



    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid your ranting to the wrong people, if you have issues with woocommerce not making it easy for you to change things that are from the plugin functionality, then please report this to them. We can only help with theme issues

    – Kyle

    Post count: 179

    Sorry bout that. Solution: I’ve decided to learn basic PHP and write a non commercial plugin that does this on my site.



    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Ok no problem

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