New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Nota No Proceed to Checkout button on Cart page & (Mobile) Layout issues

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  • Posted in: Nota
  • #330611
    Post count: 4

    Hi there,

    I am currently facing some problems with my theme:

    – there is no proceed to checkout button at the Cart page. I temporary placed a checkout button within the page with swiftbuilder

    – the apply coupon and update cart button text are outside the buttons borders

    – the mobile version of the checkout page is very small. How do I edit the width of this mobile page without losing the frame?

    – The checkout box to accept the terms overlaps the terms text

    – I have tried two different (premium) plugins to apply a wait list for products that our out of stock. Both didn’t work. Both developers said that it was an issue with this theme. (Waitlist For WooCommerce from Xootix and WooWaitlist – WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier from Codecanyon)

    Thanks in advance for your help! I provided the login details above.



    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    We need that the user has admin profile. You shouldn’t any content to the checkout page since it should be empty.


    Post count: 4


    Which user needs an admin profile? I don’t understand what you mean.

    Ofcourse I don’t want any content on te checkout page but since there is no Proceed to Checkout button I decided to TEMPORARY place a button so that I don’t miss conversions.


    Post count: 4

    Oh now I see what you mean. You are now admin.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Thanks. It seems fine to me.
    I manage to go the checkout page

    To adjust the button sizes on the cart page add the code below to the custom css option in the theme options.

    .woocommerce-cart .button {
        width: 220px!important;

    Add this one for the checkout page.

    .woocommerce #payment .terms label span {
        padding-left: 30px;

    About the wait list for products will have to forward to the development team to see if it’s possible in the future to implement that integration.


    Post count: 4

    I am sorry to say but why don’t you read my whole post?

    Please read:

    I am currently facing some problems with my theme:

    – there is no proceed to checkout button at the Cart page.
    I temporary placed a checkout button within the page with swiftbuilder. That means that there is NO default checkout button. In your DEMO there is a checkout button in the cart page as you can see in the attachment.

    – the apply coupon and update cart button text are outside the buttons borders
    After applying your code, the buttons are still incorrect. See attachment.

    – the mobile version of the checkout page is very small. How do I edit the width of this mobile page without losing the frame?
    Still very small

    – The checkout box to accept the terms overlaps the terms text

    – I have tried two different (premium) plugins to apply a wait list for products that our out of stock. Both didn’t work. Both developers said that it was an issue with this theme. (Waitlist For WooCommerce from Xootix and WooWaitlist – WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier from Codecanyon)
    When can I expect a reply about this matter?


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Apologise for that.

    Can you remove that code from the cart page and checkout, those pages can’t have any content besides the Woocommerce shortcodes.

    You should also need to try to change to the default Twenty Seventeen theme to confirm if the behaviour it’s the same with other theme.


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