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  • #50709
    Post count: 17

    I thought its only showing 1 product but I was wrong, when I visited my site which has older version of WP, WC and neighborhood, it shows an arrow that you can click to browse the products but when I checked the newly updated site with latest woocommerce, wp and neighborhood it doesnt have arrows to click so it appears your only selling 1 product per category.

    site is: viewing on iphone 5 safari.

    Post count: 17

    update: also in chrome as long as its iphone 5. Also, i noticed that nav arrow will only appear if product is greater than 5. meaning, if your site has less than 4 products on the category it will not show the arrow bar both in desktop computer and mobile devices.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hey, I will forward this to the developer as I don’t have an iPhone 5 to test.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264
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