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  • #224202
    Post count: 65

    I’m jonesing for a new Swift Ideas theme – Any hints as to when the next one comes out? Love your products; have our clients buy your themes for every project we do.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Will forward to the development team so they can reply.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @Brentnauer

    We don’t have any solid plans as of yet – likely early 2016 will be our next theme.

    – Ed

    Post count: 65


    Quick feature suggestion as long as I’m bothering you:

    With the split navigation header option, allow us to set separate left and right menus for that header. The automatic split that currently happens doesn’t always produce the best results and we have to add a dummy menu item to get the split where we want it, then hide it with CSS.

    Also, finding a better way to center/left/right justify those menus so that if the left/right split menus are of unequal lengths, it’s not so obvious. This is very noticeable, even when one side of the menu has one or two more characters than the other.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Thanks – we’ll see what we can do. With Atelier, we didn’t want to complicate it with 2 separate menus – but I can see that might be a better option for most situations.

    – Ed

    Post count: 159

    I agree. We had to “fiddle” with the menu items just to try to make them not look totally unformatted. Even so, it still does not look right:

    CSS might give us back format control?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Should you wish to tweak the position of your main menu items, you can do so for each menu item.

    The below CSS will adjust the second menu item’s right margin and the third menu item’s left margin. As these menu items are located left and right of the logo, this should allow you to fine tune the white space around the logo.

    #main-navigation li:nth-of-type(2) {
        margin-right: 300px!important;
    #main-navigation li:nth-of-type(3) {
        margin-left: 50px;


    Post count: 65

    Early 2016! Ready to open our wallet again ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @Brentnauer – it’s definitely worth the little more time to wait ๐Ÿ™‚

    – Ed

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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