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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #239165
    Post count: 45


    I might take in a project where we create hundreds of blogs, do you offer a network licence for your clients?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    We only have the licenses that are available on the item on ThemeForest, unfortunately due to Envato’s terms we can’t offer anything outside of there. It would be a case of a regular license for each site. If you’d like we can try and arrange a bulk purchase with Envato, hopefully with a discount (up to Envato’s discretion)?

    Let us know. Thanks.

    – Ed

    Post count: 45

    That would be great!

    I guess I should specify – we are building a multisite blog where each user can create his or her blog so there could be hundreds of blogs, in one multisite. Is there such thing as a multisite/network license or yeah, bulk discount or something like that? Or does that even require a different license since it’s all under one multisite…

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi triinum,

    That would still require a license for each website that is setup and using the theme. I’m not sure what Envato do for bulk purchases in terms of discount as we haven’t ever initiated conversation with them regarding one.

    I’ll drop them an email to get any info I can and we can move forward from there if it’s something you go ahead with. We’d sort out a special line of support for you if this is something you go ahead with.


    – Ed

    Post count: 45

    Well, you can drop an e-mail to them. Some kind of an offer would be nice 🙂

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Thanks Ed, will keep you updated @triinum

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @triinum

    Have been given the runaround by Envato trying to speak to the right person on this, sorry it’s taking a while. Do you have any idea on the number of licenses you would need/want to start off with so that I can give them an idea of what to go on?


    – Ed

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264
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