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  • #124888
    Post count: 13


    Thanks for the theme. Modifying it to suit my first online store (Woo Commerce) & super keen to launch asap. Have managed most changes myself with my limited web design experience, but stuck for hours on a couple of things I hope you can help with…

    I’m having trouble removing the white triangle badge on my product images. I have managed to get rid of the words, but not the white strip on the right hand corner. I don’t want this on any of my images, ever, so I need to permanently remove.

    Also, no matter how I change the settings, I can’t get any product images showing up on my shop page (built using the Products swift builder part.) Sometimes I just get the product names/pricing, and other times I get a part of the picture with a black pop up box when I hover. Either way, I know this isn’t how it should look, but don’t now how else to build the shop page, except to use the Products swift builder part. Likewise, the little product carousel on the home page is also missing the images. Any help would be really appreciated!


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) I go to your shop page and there are 0 products?

    2) For the shop page, you need to create a blank page, then go to WooCommerce > Settings and assign that page as your shop page. The products will automatically be imported

    – Kyle

    Post count: 13

    Thanks for your reply

    This is the problem! I have made up about 15 product pages under the Products section in Woo Commerce, but they are not showing up in the Shop page, and I believe I have already set up the Shop as my ‘Shop’ page in Woo Commerce. But is it not picking up the products, or categories, on the Shop page.

    Also, the Related products at the bottom of the single products page/Home page are not showing the images, just the product names/prices. Is there some reason the images are not appearing?I really need the images too, otherwise it makes no sense to the viewer.

    Lastly – about removing the white badge across the top right hand corner of all the images as I mentioned in my original post – how can that be done. I don’t want these on any images and so far I can only figure out how to remove the words. There seems to be no section of the theme customisation to remove those.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Have you edited any theme files? I don’t understand why the products aren’t showing on your shop page

    I can’t answer your questions until I can see products

    – Kyle

    Post count: 13
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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I can see a message on your screenshot about activating your woocommerce products, can you please click that link

    – Kyle

    Post count: 13

    I have – but it was just my askimet licence, nothing to do with the shop function.

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    1) Looks like this could be a server issue – can you please check if you have the GD Image Library installed on your hosting? You may need to ask your host.

    2) Did you remove this?

    3) Can you provide a link/screenshot of this? Not sure I can see it..

    – Ed

    Post count: 13


    Yes – I found a fix to No.2 trawling through some of your other posts 🙂

    My hosting company (GoDddy) says GD Image Library is installed in my server already.

    As for 3, I decided to remove that carousel altogether to try and minimise the number of issues I had, so the Shop page is now just all the products listed, and needs the images. The Home Page featured products carousel also needs the thumbnails to appear above the product listings.

    Any other reason that could be preventing them showing? The images appear on the single product pages no problems. The source code from the Shop page where the images should be is attached. They seem to be there…but not there!


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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I deactivated all plugins and activate them again and now the product images are already visible.
    Maybe was because of the W3Total cache, not sure exactly.


    Post count: 13
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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    ok. No problem.
    Glad it’s sorted.


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