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  • #197040
    Post count: 38

    Hello guys,

    I’m trying to get access to my wordpress panel but i can’t ->

    Also if you try to go to look what happen (i send you a screenshot).

    Any solution?

    Is only in Chrome. If you try to visit my site on Safari or Firefox, works good.

    Thanks a lot!!

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Your site is working fine for me, can you clear your browser cache?

    I can also access this fine:

    – Do the above cache action and let me know.


    Post count: 38

    Thanks for the reply!! But i did it and still continues like the image that i sent you.. 🙁

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    What version of Chrome are you using? Is it version .44?

    The latest version of Google Chrome Browser does a very strange thing. It sends HTTPS header with value 1 which the is_ssl() WordPress function reads and sets the HTTPS as TRUE.

    What this results in is that even though your WordPress is not set to use SSL and no security certificate is present all files like CSS, JavaScripts, Images even all links are set to go through HTTPS connection.

    The problem occurs only on the latest Google Chrome v.44 and everything works perfectly on Firefox, Opera, Safari and even Google Chrome version 43.

    1) There is a plugin you can install to fix this in the short term,

    2) Please run any WooCommerce updates.


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