New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Multiple Swift Slider issues

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #118677
    Post count: 19

    Hi there. Currently developing a site offline using WAMP so I don’t have an example I can share just yet, but here are some issues I’m facing with the Swift Slider.

    1) Autoplay doesn’t work right

    No matter what time I set the delay to, the first slide will transition 2 seconds early, and then after it does that it won’t transition at all, it just sits on the 2nd slide.

    2) Autoplay won’t work at all if loop is toggled on

    If the loop is toggled on, the autoplay doesn’t work at all. Only when it’s turned off does it work.

    3) Navigation arrows don’t work right

    The right navigation arrow will work randomly on some slides and then not at all on others. For example I have three slides right now, it will allow me to navigate to the 2nd slide, but not beyond that. Left arrow works fine, but I can’t use the right arrow on a lot of slides. This is not useful because if the autoplay function doesn’t work and the user can’t scroll over, then they need to rely on the pagination to move it along.

    4) If it’s in Curtain Mode it creates a disappearing scroll bar which shifts my content back and forth when hovered over the slider

    I saw a concern with this elsewhere but the response was marked in private. When in curtain mode, which I love the effect of, when dragging the mouse over the slider, the scroll bar will disappear and all the content will shift to the right to accommodate the extra space. When the mouse is taken off the slider, the scroll bar reappears and the content shifts back to the left to accommodate the disappearing space.

    I suppose I could just use one of the other slider options, but I really like the look and functionality of the Swift Slider (if it would work properly). Wouldn’t hurt to know how to solve these issues for any future problems either. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    With the site offline we can inspect anything for now.
    For the issue number 4 try to add the code below to your custom css options.

    body {
    overflow: visible!important;


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