I’ve gone over your documentation on this several times and can’t see through the mist!
I’ve successfully created a portfolio page as per your instructions. Looks good-works-result!
I’ve tried to create another, separate portfolio and then show the portfolio items selected by category to appear in their respective portfolio pages.
However, when I do this, selecting only their category, none of the first portfolio’s items appear-to get them to show up I have to select “show all” as option. Clearly this then adds the new category items to the first portfolio page as well.
If I’m understanding your docs right the posts are all going to be in the portfolio section (all categories together) and the portfolio asset in swiftpagebuilder is where it takes its instruction, by category selected, to determine which posts it will display on that page.
BTW, is it possible to get the testimonial (and other) carousel to scroll on auto?