New Landing How can we help? Cardinal multiple broken ui elements after update

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #298617
    Post count: 38

    Im having multiple issues with broken or not properly displaying elements mainly on my homepage of my site. After the update the slider revolution I had at the top of my site does not display any images. The slider is there with the text elements, but the images seem to be missing. I checked the slider and the images are there.

    There is also an issue where I have a banner like image on my site that is marked as full width but displays with margins on the right and left of the image. There is also an issue where I have a repeating background image on one container and it seems to have stretched out and is no longer clear as it was before.

    Lastly also having the issue with margins on the “collection” page of my site as well where it cuts the images on the right and left.

    any help would be greatly appreciated!


    Video of what im seeing:

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Your slider is working great for me, can you clear your browser cache?

    What image banner do you refer to? Your homepage images are fullwidth with no margins displayed.


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