To translate the static strings, if you aren’t using WPML then I recommend downloading PO Edit, from http://www.poedit.net/. Once you have installed please follow the steps below:
Open the /neighborhood/languages/ folder and duplicate the en_US.po file, then rename it to your desired language code. For example; for German you need to re-name it as de_DE.po for Spanish es_ES.po for Turkish tr_TR.po etc. You can find all the codes from this link http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language
Then you will need to open the .po file in PO Edit. Once opened, you will see all strings that needs to be translated. Type the translation of a string into the “Translation” column. Do not delete or edit “Original string” part.
When you finish translating, save the file. This will create an .mo file in the same directory.
Upload the new files into the languages folder of the theme /wp-content/themes/neighborhood/languages/ and then follow this guide: http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress_in_Your_Language#Single-Site_Installations