New Landing How can we help? Atelier Mobile site images displaying incorrectly

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #264896
    Post count: 25


    The images on the mobile version of the website are displaying incorrectly – they’re either replaced by the site logo, or some of them are just the wrong image. They are all fine on the desktop (safari browser). I was using a product labelling plug-in and I noticed earlier that the labels on the mobile site were of another image from the media library not the one selected for the label. again, it was fine on the main site. As i didn’t have time to sort it out earlier I just deleted the whole label.

    I’m concerned that this is fixed asap as I have promotions running on the site relating to the products that seem to be the problem.

    many thanks,

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’ve just checked your site on my iphone and all of the images are the same as they are on desktop

    – Kyle

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