New Landing How can we help? Cardinal mobile menu with language choice inconsistent on home page

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #246573
    Post count: 30

    Hello team,

    still loving your Cardinal theme, been using it so much with a lot of great results.

    We’ve come across an issue now on this site
    After differentiating between standard and mobile menu’s, we’ve noticed that the mobile menu on the NL homepage is different from all other pages within the site. If you look at subpages in the NL language and at both home and subs in the FR language, you’ll notice the only one not following the rest is the NL homepg. So in fact it’s not responding to our updates. I’m not aware there even is a switch allowing different mobile menu’s from one page to another, right? Could you look into this and give us your solution?

    — Kurt

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Kurt,

    Have you checked that page Meta Options is not overriding the menu and is set to pull another menu?

    – Are you using WPML to handle these translations?


    Post count: 30

    Ah, as always, such a simple thing… Once you know where to look! Problem solved.

    Yes, we do use WPML. I’ll be starting another topic about a more fundamental question in that regard, but this one is solved. Thanks so much!


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    No problem Kurt!


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