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  • #185475
    Post count: 15


    When I browse to your demo theme here: and look at that, and quite a few pages, the text/bullet points go right the edge of the screen.

    This should not be happening, so I’m concerned about buying another license.

    Please advise when this will be fixed, and so I can see in your demo that it is.


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    Post count: 44

    I’m having a similar issue with page titles on mobile. The page title starts right on the edge of the screen

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey guys,
    We’ve just pushed a new update with A LOT of changes and improvements, so you may see little issues like this – but trust we’ll be on point to fix them ASAP. For the text issue, I’ve just updated the demo – thanks for pointing that out.

     – please can you provide us a link to the page to check?

    – Ed

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