New Landing How can we help? Cardinal mobile issues on Android

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #112147
    Post count: 66

    I’m having a number of issues with my mobile. iPhone seems OK, but my Android is super buggy. I’m on the Samsung Galaxy S3 so can’t vouch for other Android phones.

    1) In the native internet browser, the site is almost unusable. There’s a crazy lag to all of the images as you scroll through it. The whole screen will just go completely white in small flashes. Very off-putting. I don’t have this problem using Chrome on my phone, though. Things go much smoother.

    2) A lot of problems with my mobile menu. On my Samsung it opens fine. However, when I close it (by clicking on the X) it closes then opens back up again really quickly then closes again. Like it closes twice. Sometimes it closes and then just opens back up again without closing. This is in both the native internet app and Chrome.

    3) Another mobile menu problem: If I scroll halfway down the page in the native internet app and then open the menu, it ends up cutting off the closing X icon so there’s no way to close it. See attached image for an example. Maybe this has something to do with the mobile sticky header?

    4) Some of my titles go completely over the page-to-page navigation if they’re on the long side. Is there any way to fix? (See attached screen shot)

    5) In general, the mobile is feeling tremendously sluggish and has issues. I takes forever to load a page. And sometimes even though the loading bar is finished, it won’t jump to the next screen. It hangs there for a long time before making the transition. Which is misleading because it’s fooling me into thinking it’s not working or nothing’s happening. Maybe this is due to the page transitions? Maybe they should be disabled in mobile? I don’t know. But my experience with the mobile version is not very good. Just feels slow and buggy.

    I notice many of these issues on your demo site as well. Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.

    Post count: 66

    Just realized I forgot to upload the images to this post. Please see the attached for reference.

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    Post count: 542

    Similar issues to Neil. Samsung Galaxy s3 and s4.

    Happy to help debug, try new features etc on my sites to create a overall solution for the theme.

    Post count: 66

    Not sure if the update was supposed to fix these mobile issues, but it hasn’t. Additionally, now my logo is cut off on mobile. 🙁

    Any way to help? At least getting the logo back right now would be good.



    Post count: 66

    FYI, I fixed the last issue by adding: a {
    max-width: 100%;

    into my custom CSS. Looks like it was set to 60% in the theme’s css so was cutting off the logo.

    ANOTHER mobile issue that needs to be resolved, though, is the “share this” button on mobile for the portfolios. Because it’s aligned to the left (which looks great), the mobile cuts off the Pinterest button when “Share this” is clicked. Check out for an example. Maybe on mobile the Share This button needs to be centered per the blog layout with the hr rule above it? Can you suggest how to fix?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Try this:

    .item-details .article-share {
      left: 50%;
      margin-left: -73px;

    – Kyle

    Post count: 66

    Thanks. I’ll check this out over the weekend to see if it works for me. In the meantime, I also wanted to follow up about the other mobile issues that are still unresolved from my initial post. I haven’t seen any improvement.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @neilswaab

    Will assign this to Rui and follow it up with him. He’s got a android developer setup on his machine, so will be able to hopefully see the issue(s) here. Unfortunately Android is a pain to debug, too many different devices/versions, developers nightmare.

    We’ll see what we can do asap. Thanks.

    – Ed

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding issue Nr 2.
    Is it possible that you install Solid Code Editor plugin so I can change a js file to try a solution in your site? I already have admin access for an earlier topic.

    Regarding issue Nr 3 can’t replicate. Do you still facing that issue?


    Post count: 66

    Hi Rui,

    #2. Yep! Installed!

    #3. Yep. Still having that issue.

    Having all the same issues as initially reported (#1-5).

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    The changes made through the Solid code Theme editor seem that don’t save the file, maybe file permissions issues.

    It’s possible to provide ftp access to your theme files?

    Do you have a link for #3? Does it also happens in Chrome?

    Thanks for the help.


    Post count: 66
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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779
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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you check issue 2# . Please clear all the browser content in the privacy option.
    Also if it’s possible can you test in another Android device.

    Test in the 2 browsers(Chrome and Default)



    Post count: 66

    Works in Chrome! Can’t tell in default browser as my site is completely screwed up in it. Won’t even load. Just hangs there with the loading icons spinning and flashes white. 🙁

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