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  • #13829
    Post count: 2

    When trying to import the full demo content this is what happens. Any Suggestions as to why? I have tried ticking the box to add media etc but an internal error comes up?

    Failed to import Media “haerfest-backpack-beige003”
    Failed to import Media “haerfest-backpack-beige002”
    Failed to import Media “haerfest-backpack-beige001”
    Failed to import Media “haerfest-backpack-black-navy006”
    Failed to import Media “haerfest-backpack-black-navy005”
    Failed to import Media “haerfest-backpack-black-navy004”
    Failed to import Media “haerfest-backpack-black-navy003”
    Failed to import Media “haerfest-backpack-black-navy002”
    Failed to import Media “haerfest-backpack-black-navy001”
    Failed to import Media “img_9526-copy”
    Failed to import Media “img_9527-copy”
    Failed to import Media “img_9532-copy”
    Failed to import Media “img_9530-copy”
    Failed to import Media “img_9531-copy”
    Failed to import Media “img_9529-copy”
    Failed to import Media “img_9528-copy”
    Failed to import Media “img_9525-copy”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-blazer-grey007”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-blazer-grey006”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-blazer-grey003”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-blazer-grey002”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-blazer-grey004”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-blazer-grey005”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-blazer-grey001”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-scarf-silk-purple004”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-scarf-silk-purple003”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-scarf-silk-purple002”
    Failed to import Media “ndls-scarf-silk-purple001”
    Failed to import Media “adidas-grey-red006_1”
    Failed to import Media “adidas-grey-red005_1”
    Failed to import Media “adidas-grey-red007_1”
    Failed to import Media “adidas-grey-red004_1”
    Failed to import Media “adidas-grey-red003_1”
    Failed to import Media “adidas-grey-red002_1”
    Failed to import Media “adidas-grey-red001_1”
    Failed to import Media “nb-990-black-004”
    ... etc (Edit by BenSheppard
    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690


    Have you increased the limit on php uploading? You might want to speak to your hosting provider about increasing the limit whist you upload


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