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  • #102349
    Post count: 35

    Hi Im using the plugin ‘Woocommerce store exporter’ and ‘woocommerce product importer’ to create a list of products that can sit and be updated externally then uploaded to the site via csv file.

    the plugin allows for custom meta to be added to the download, some comes in automatically from other plugins etc that I am using but the products short description of Neighborhood theme does not.

    I need to add this and very soon as the site is nearly at its going live date.

    Could you tell me the product meta (exact meta name) for the short description and product description for the theme please so i can add it to the download.

    I have attached a screenshot showing the other plugin where you can add your custom meta.

    Please help with this.

    Many Thanks.

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    The product custom fields names are:



    Post count: 35

    Excellent. That sorts that out. Many thanks.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Glad it’s solved.

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