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  • Posted in: Ability
  • #12966
    Post count: 6

    I have the strangest problems with the Menu.

    Click on Blog…it goes to Classes, and Classes is highlighted pink as well. Click the logo, try again…goes to middle 2 menu items (screenshot attached), then reverts back. If I click Blog a second time, it will go to the Blog.

    Please help. I need a smooth, consistent menu flow.

    Ithi – SUPPORT
    Post count: 34

    Hello BrendaSarg,

    i tried menu on Your website and it works just fine. Did You solve that problem?

    If not please write more details about Your system(browser, operating system).

    Post count: 6

    I tried it on Chrome, Firefox, and IE…it’s when you FIRST go to the site. Click Blog…it goes to blog for a split second, then scrolls to where that screen shot shows you. Every time.

    I am using Windows 7, but my Client has the same issue and she is on a Mac.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi Brenda!

    I just tried on my Mac machine in Chrome, Firefox and Safari – Chrome and Firefox worked perfectly fine.
    I noticed that it does happen in Safari, but only if I don’t let the site fully load and immediately click the Blog link once I see the navigation.

    Could you confirm this observation?

    All the best,

    Post count: 6

    Yes! You are correct…we are impatient 😉

    Thank you!

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